Monday, October 14, 2013

The Best of Arkansas Series Premiere: Paris

So I've made a new discovery. There's a film crew going from town to town and making tourism/documentary television episodes for use by the community as a promotional tool and airing them on television as well. Clever model. Anyway, the first town to receive this treatment was Paris, Arkansas.

I heard about the event from the Master of Ceremonies himself, Mr. Jim Reynolds, who asked me if I'd join him and capture some footage of the event. I gladly obliged, and got the wonderful chance to meet the man behind the curtain of this intriguing project, Ray Bertram, and I even got to record an interview. What a fantastic guy. Ray is the visionary behind Blind Man's Bluff Productions, An accurate name, given he's legally blind. "Not seeing-eye dog blind, but legally blind" is how the man himself puts it. He's kind, patient, and a bit sage in his mannerisms, and I can say that the care he puts into the people in Paris is equally apparent in his work.

I'll be putting together a video of the event and uploading it to if all goes well. So for all of you who want to see what's afoot in the foothills of Mt. Magazine, and on its way to the Waldron area very soon, please keep your eyes peeled!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Learning a thing or two

I woke up early this morning to ride into the Fort for the Carter's Grand Opening event. Gotta say, their products are pretty awesome, even if they are just out of my budget. Keep in mind, I am unemployed, for all intents and purposes. I love the home theatre setup in the front room, and the associates are all very helpful and each well-versed in their respective specialties. I stuck around for the food, checked out Iron Man 3 on Blu-Ray, and got a brief rundown of your standard soundboards, from the basic to the advanced. Very much appreciated. I talked about what I do, and found out what some of the other attendees were doing, and made a few good contacts. looking forward to hearing back from the Fort Smith Film Mafia and getting involved with them. Anyone looking for some great people to help you with your A/V needs, hit them up.